Monday, February 15, 1993

More Boca Grande

On this day, my brother Cole and I went to Boca Grande. I was still getting used to the new camera, and experimenting in black & white.

Top of the lighthouse.

My brother defying a wave.

More wave watching.

A brown pelican.

Again, we see that birds like going to the beach just as much as we do.

Another thing you'll learn about me is that I like to take photos of things that one would normally ignore. Here, I've captured the essence of the sewage loading pier.

I also like making texturals.

The lighthouse shilluetted against the lowering sun.

Back to color for now. A brown pelican strolls the beach. While I'm not absolutely certain, I think my brother may have taken this photo.

An old pier endures time.

Along Clay Gully Road

I used to love going on drives through the country, and there were lots of places to go around Sarasota. One of my favorites was to head east from Sarasota on State Road 780. It starts out as one of those four- or six-lane urban arteries, and by the time it ends many miles to the east, it's a dirt road.

Normally, I would take 780 from Sarasota to it's eastern terminus at State Road 70. I'd turn right, and go the few remaining miles to Arcadia. Then I'd get onto State Road 72 and head back to Sarasota. It was beautiful country.

These photos were among the first I took with my new (to me) Pentax ME Super. Also decided to experiment a little with black & white.

A sign announces who owns the ranch on the right on Clay Gully Road.

A fence line. I mentioned at one point that I liked convergent subjects; well, I like diagonals as well.

A good indicator of what much of the scenery is like.

I always felt like this is what it would feel like to be 'Out Back'.

Ranch buildings along Clay Gully Road.

Hey, convergence and diagonality!