Sunday, August 29, 1993

Sarasota Bayfront at Dusk

Sarasota has a beautiful bayfront. I brought the camera there with me one evening to take a few photos.

One of the entryways to to bayfront. I remember when they put these in... everyone was talking about how ugly they thought they were. Me, I thought they looked cool.

Docked sailboats.

What a life.

Looking across the water toward One Sarasota Tower from the marina.

A wider shot from the marina.

From the marina.

Dusk settles in.

Another sunset.

Another sunset.

Saturday, August 14, 1993

University of Missouri

Another stop during the Missouri vacation of 1993 was the campus of the University of Missouri. Campuses are always a good source of photographic subjects.

Jesse Hall.

Closer in on Jesse Hall.

And further out on Jesse Hall, with a couple of columns as well.

The columns.

Another campus building.

I think I saw this outside of the School of Journalism.

Another campus building.

The Jesse rotunda at night.

Jesse Hall at night viewed through the columns.

A column.

Thursday, August 12, 1993

Shelter Insurance, Columbia, Missouri

A visit to Columbia was included on this vacation to Missouri. I had heard that Shelter Insurance had some nice gardens, so I assumed what I found in the front of the headquarters building were them. I didn't realized that Shelter Gardens, a very large place, was just to the west of here. But, I got a few photos anyway.

Shelter Insurance headquarters.

Shelter flies the flag of each state in which they do business.

Flower in front of headquarters.

More flowers.

I thought these were interesting.

And very colorful.

Also very bright - almost as bright as bouganvillia.


Monday, August 9, 1993

Adair Church, Adair, Missouri

The last time I went to the Adair Church, it was the dead of winter in 1988. This time, it's the middle of August.

Saint Mary's Church, Adair, Missouri

Very interesting window. I like the light coming through.

The octagonal tower.

Close in on the front of the church.

Photo of the cemetary next to the church.

View of the church from the cemetary.

Another cemetary shot.

Cemetary gate.

Church on Anna Maria Island

Another one of my favorite places to go when I lived in Florida was Anna Maria Island. It wasn't very far to drive, probably only 15 or 20 miles from where I lived. But it was a world away in atmosphere - much more relaxed and carefree. On this day, I stopped to take a couple of photos of a church that I had noticed driving by several times.

Well, it is an island, and Florida is known for it's boats. So, we wait...

This is the front of the south end of the church.

Here's the north part of the church. Although these photos make the church look small, it's actually quite large.

Another view of the north end.

Some bouganvilla. Wear sunglasses when looking at this plant.

I don't know what kind of plant this is, but it might also damage your eyes if you stare directly at it for too long.