Map of the park. While it seems great at first, these maps are rather difficult to follow, because most of the paths are not marked.
My arrival point at Hyde Park - Hyde Park Corner Underground Station. Did I mention I love the underground?
Yes, the Underground. Another quintessential London marker.
Yes, the Underground. Another quintessential London marker.
Looking up Piccadilly from Hyde Park Corner.
Apsley Gate.
Apsley House Wellington Museum.
In some areas, the grass and flowers are left to grow.
One of the wide footpaths through the park.
Hyde park is full of scenic and picturesque vignettes.
Another scenic location.
There are lots of pigeons, noted for their lack of fear of humans.
Alongside The Serpentine, chairs are provided by Royal Parks for patrons to relax. I found chairs provided in all the parks I visited.
European Starling. Yes, the very same. The worst thing to come across the pond since Puritanism.